External Types

Using external types

To use an external type in your FTL module schema, declare a type alias over the external type:

type FtlType external.OtherType

type FtlType2 = external.OtherType

The external type is widened to Any in the FTL schema, and the corresponding type alias will include metadata for the runtime-specific type mapping:

typealias FtlType Any
  +typemap go "github.com/external.OtherType"

Users can achieve functionally equivalent behavior to using the external type directly by using the declared alias (FtlType) in place of the external type in any other schema declarations (e.g. as the type of a Verb request). Direct usage of the external type in schema declarations is not supported; instead, the type alias must be used.

FTL will automatically serialize and deserialize the external type to the strong type indicated by the mapping.

Cross-Runtime Type Mappings

FTL also provides the capability to declare type mappings for other runtimes. For instance, to include a type mapping for Kotlin, you can annotate your type alias declaration as follows:

//ftl:typemap kotlin "com.external.other.OtherType"
type FtlType external.OtherType

In the FTL schema, this will appear as:

typealias FtlType Any
  +typemap go "github.com/external.OtherType"
  +typemap kotlin "com.external.other.OtherType"

This allows FTL to decode the type properly in other languages, for seamless interoperability across different runtimes.