

Configuration values are named, typed values. They are managed by the ftl config command-line.

To declare a configuration value use the following syntax:

var defaultUser = ftl.Config[Username]("defaultUser")

Then to retrieve a configuration value:

username = defaultUser.Get(ctx)

Configuration values can be injected into FTL methods, such as @Verb, HTTP ingress, Cron etc. To inject a configuration value, use the following syntax:

fun hello(helloRequest: HelloRequest, @Config("defaultUser") defaultUser: String): HelloResponse {
    return HelloResponse("Hello, $defaultUser")

Configuration values can be injected into FTL methods, such as @Verb, HTTP ingress, Cron etc. To inject a configuration value, use the following syntax:

HelloResponse hello(HelloRequest helloRequest, @Config("defaultUser") String defaultUser)  {
    return new HelloResponse("Hello, " + defaultUser);


Secrets are encrypted, named, typed values. They are managed by the ftl secret command-line.

Declare a secret with the following:

var apiKey = ftl.Secret[Credentials]("apiKey")

Then to retrieve a secret value:

key = apiKey.Get(ctx)

Configuration values can be injected into FTL methods, such as @Verb, HTTP ingress, Cron etc. To inject a configuration value, use the following syntax:

fun hello(helloRequest: HelloRequest, @Secret("apiKey") apiKey: String): HelloResponse {
    return HelloResponse("Hello, ${}")

Configuration values can be injected into FTL methods, such as @Verb, HTTP ingress, Cron etc. To inject a configuration value, use the following syntax:

HelloResponse hello(HelloRequest helloRequest, @Secret("apiKey") String apiKey)  {
    return new HelloResponse("Hello, " +;

Transforming secrets/configuration

Often, raw secret/configuration values aren't directly useful. For example, raw credentials might be used to create an API client. For those situations ftl.Map() can be used to transform a configuration or secret value into another type:

var client = ftl.Map(ftl.Secret[Credentials]("credentials"),
                     func(ctx context.Context, creds Credentials) (*api.Client, error) {
    return api.NewClient(creds)

This is not currently supported in Kotlin or Java.