
Defining Verbs

To declare a Verb, write a normal Go function with the following signature, annotated with the Go comment directive //ftl:verb:

func F(context.Context, In) (Out, error) { }


type EchoRequest struct {}

type EchoResponse struct {}

func Echo(ctx context.Context, in EchoRequest) (EchoResponse, error) {
  // ...

To declare a Verb, write a normal Kotlin function with the following signature, annotated with the Kotlin annotation @Verb:

fun F(Context, In): Out { }


data class EchoRequest
data class EchoResponse

fun echo(ctx: Context, request: EchoRequest): EchoResponse {
  // ...

By default verbs are only visible to other verbs in the same module.

Calling Verbs

To call a verb use ftl.Call(). eg.

out, err := ftl.Call(ctx, echo.Echo, echo.EchoRequest{})

To call a verb, import the module's verb client, add it to your verb's signature, then call() it. eg.

import ftl.time.TimeClient

fun echo(req: EchoRequest, time: TimeClient): EchoResponse {
  val response =
  // ...

val response =