A utility class Convert to facilitate various conversions including Base64 and Base58BTC.
The type of the value to be converted.
The actual value to be converted.
Specifies the kind of conversion (optional parameter).
Note: Usage of this class should ensure that the type T and kind are compatible with the conversion methods, as certain methods may not support all data types or kinds
Example Usage:
// Example 1: Convert a ByteArray to a Base64Url encoded string without padding
val byteArray = byteArrayOf(1, 2, 3)
val base64Url = Convert(byteArray).toBase64Url() // same as .toBase64Url(padding = false)
println(base64Url) // Output should be a Base64Url encoded string without padding
// Example 2: Convert a Base64Url encoded string to a ByteArray
val base64Str = "AQID"
val originalByteArray = Convert(base64Str, EncodingFormat.Base64Url).toByteArray()
// Example 3: Convert a ByteArray to a Base58Btc encoded string
val byteArray = byteArrayOf(1, 2, 3)
val base58BtcStr = Convert(byteArray).toBase58Btc()
println(base58BtcStr) // Output should be a Base58Btc encoded string
// Example 4: Convert a Base64Url encoded string to a regular string
val base64UrlStr = "SGVsbG8gd29ybGQ="
val decodedStr = Convert(base64UrlStr, EncodingFormat.Base64Url).toStr()
println(decodedStr) // Output should be: "Hello world"
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