fun create(statusListCredentialId: String, issuer: String, statusPurpose: StatusPurpose, issuedCredentials: Iterable<VerifiableCredential>): VerifiableCredential
Create a StatusListCredential with a specific purpose, e.g., for revocation.
A VerifiableCredential instance.
status List Credential Id
The id used for the resolvable path to the status list credential String.
The issuer URI of the credential, as a String.
status Purpose
The status purpose of the status list cred, eg: revocation, as a StatusPurpose.
issued Credentials
The credentials to be included in the status list credential, eg: revoked credentials, list of type VerifiableCredential.
If the status list credential cannot be created. Example:
val statusListCredential = StatusListCredential.create("", "", StatusPurpose.REVOCATION, listOf(vc1,vc2))
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