Verifies the integrity and authenticity of a Verifiable Credential (VC) encoded as a JSON Web Token (JWT).
This method conforms to wording about VC data model JWT encoding
If any of these steps fail, the function will throw a IllegalArgumentException with a message indicating the nature of the failure:
exp MUST represent the expirationDate property, encoded as a UNIX timestamp (NumericDate).
iss MUST represent the issuer property of a verifiable credential or the holder property of a verifiable presentation.
nbf MUST represent issuanceDate, encoded as a UNIX timestamp (NumericDate).
jti MUST represent the id property of the verifiable credential or verifiable presentation.
sub MUST represent the id property contained in the credentialSubject.
The Verifiable Credential in JWT format as a String.
if the verification fails at any step, providing a message with failure details.
try {
println("VC Verification successful!")
} catch (e: SignatureException) {
println("VC Verification failed: ${e.message}")