Package-level declarations


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class DecodedJwt(val header: JwtHeader, val claims: JwtClaimsSet, val signature: ByteArray, val parts: List<String>)

DecodedJwt is a compact JWT decoded into its parts.

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object Jwt

Json Web Token (JWT) is a compact, URL-safe means of representing claims to be transferred between two parties. Spec:

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class JwtClaimsSet(val iss: String? = null, val sub: String? = null, val aud: String? = null, val exp: Long? = null, val nbf: Long? = null, val iat: Long? = null, val jti: String? = null, val misc: Map<String, Any> = emptyMap())

Claims represents JWT (JSON Web Token) Claims Spec:

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typealias JwtHeader = JwsHeader