Type Alias RecordsWriteOptions

RecordsWriteOptions: {
    attestationSigners?: Signer[];
    data?: Uint8Array;
    dataCid?: string;
    dataFormat: string;
    dataSize?: number;
    dateCreated?: string;
    datePublished?: string;
    delegatedGrant?: DataEncodedRecordsWriteMessage;
    encryptionInput?: EncryptionInput;
    messageTimestamp?: string;
    parentContextId?: string;
    permissionGrantId?: string;
    protocol?: string;
    protocolPath?: string;
    protocolRole?: string;
    published?: boolean;
    recipient?: string;
    recordId?: string;
    schema?: string;
    signer?: Signer;
    tags?: RecordsWriteTags;

Type declaration

  • OptionalattestationSigners?: Signer[]
  • Optionaldata?: Uint8Array
  • OptionaldataCid?: string
  • dataFormat: string
  • OptionaldataSize?: number
  • OptionaldateCreated?: string
  • OptionaldatePublished?: string
  • OptionaldelegatedGrant?: DataEncodedRecordsWriteMessage

    The delegated grant invoked to sign on behalf of the logical author, which is the grantor of the delegated grant.

  • OptionalencryptionInput?: EncryptionInput
  • OptionalmessageTimestamp?: string
  • OptionalparentContextId?: string

    Must be given if this message is for a non-root protocol record. If not given, it either means this write is for a root protocol record or a flat-space record.

  • OptionalpermissionGrantId?: string
  • Optionalprotocol?: string
  • OptionalprotocolPath?: string
  • OptionalprotocolRole?: string
  • Optionalpublished?: boolean
  • Optionalrecipient?: string
  • OptionalrecordId?: string
  • Optionalschema?: string
  • Optionalsigner?: Signer

    The signer of the message, which is commonly the author, but can also be a delegate.

  • Optionaltags?: RecordsWriteTags