• Extracts the fragment part of a Decentralized Identifier (DID) verification method identifier.

    This function takes any input and aims to return only the fragment of a DID identifier, which comes after the '#' symbol in a DID string. It's designed specifically for handling DID verification method identifiers. The function returns undefined for non-string inputs, inputs that do not contain a '#', or complex data structures like objects or arrays, ensuring that only the fragment part of a DID string is extracted when present.


    • input: unknown

      The input to be processed. Can be of any type, but the function is designed to work with strings that represent DID verification method identifiers.

    Returns string | undefined

    The fragment part of the DID identifier if the input is a string containing a '#'. Returns an empty string for all other inputs, including non-string types, strings without a '#', and complex data structures.


    console.log(extractDidFragment("did:example:123#key-1")); // Output: "key-1"
    console.log(extractDidFragment("did:example:123")); // Output: undefined
    console.log(extractDidFragment({ id: "did:example:123#0", type: "JsonWebKey" })); // Output: undefined
    console.log(extractDidFragment(undefined)); // Output: undefined