Interface PermissionGrantModel

Represents the structured data model of a PermissionGrant record, encapsulating the essential fields that define

interface PermissionGrantModel {
    conditions?: PermissionConditions;
    dateExpires: string;
    dateGranted: string;
    delegated?: boolean;
    description?: string;
    grantee: string;
    grantor: string;
    id: string;
    requestId?: string;
    scope: PermissionScope;

Implemented by


conditions?: PermissionConditions

Optional conditions that must be met when the grant is used.

dateExpires: string

Timestamp at which this grant will no longer be active.

dateGranted: string

The date at which the grant was given.

delegated?: boolean

Whether this grant is delegated or not. If true, the grantedTo will be able to act as the grantedTo within the scope of this grant.

description?: string

Optional string that communicates what the grant would be used for

grantee: string

The grantee of the permission.

grantor: string

The grantor of the permission.

id: string

The ID of the permission grant, which is the record ID DWN message.

requestId?: string

Optional CID of a permission request. This is optional because grants may be given without being officially requested

scope: PermissionScope

The scope of the allowed access.