The DID of the entity that controls this verification method.
The identifier of the verification method, which must be a URI.
public(Optional) A public key in JWK format.
A JSON Web Key (JWK) that conforms to RFC 7517.
public(Optional) A public key in Multibase format.
A multibase key that conforms to the draft Multibase specification.
The type of the verification method.
To maximize interoperability this value SHOULD be one of the valid verification method types registered in the DID Specification Registries.
Represents a verification method in the context of a DID document.
A verification method is a mechanism by which a DID controller can cryptographically assert proof of ownership or control over a DID or DID document. This can include, but is not limited to, cryptographic public keys or other data that can be used to authenticate or authorize actions.
DID Core Specification, § Verification Methods