Type alias InferKeyGeneratorAlgorithm<T>

InferKeyGeneratorAlgorithm<T>: T extends {
        generateKey(params): any;
    ? P extends {
            algorithm: infer A;
        ? A
        : never
    : never

Infers the supported algorithm type from the generateKey method of a key generator.

Type Parameters

  • T

    The type of the key generator from which to infer the algorithm type.


The InferKeyGeneratorAlgorithm utility type extracts the algorithm type from the input parameters of the generateKey method implemented in a key generator. This type is useful when working with various cryptographic key generators, as it enables TypeScript to infer the supported algorithms based on the key generator's implementation. This inference ensures type safety and improves developer experience by providing relevant suggestions and checks for the supported algorithms during development.

This utility type can be particularly advantageous in contexts where the specific key generator may vary, but the code needs to adapt dynamically based on the supported algorithms of the provided key generator instance.


export interface MyKmsGenerateKeyParams extends KmsGenerateKeyParams {
algorithm: 'Ed25519' | 'secp256k1';

class MyKms implements KeyGenerator<MyKmsGenerateKeyParams, Jwk> {
generateKey(params: MyKmsGenerateKeyParams): Promise<Jwk> {
// Implementation for generating a key...

type SupportedAlgorithms = InferKeyGeneratorAlgorithm<MyKms>;
// `SupportedAlgorithms` will be inferred as 'Ed25519' | 'secp256k1'