AwsKeyManagerParams: {
    kmsClient?: KMSClient;

The AwsKeyManagerParams interface specifies the parameters for initializing an instance of AwsKeyManager, which is an implementation of the CryptoApi interface tailored for AWS KMS.

This interface allows the optional inclusion of a KMSClient instance, which is used for interacting with AWS KMS. If not provided, a default KMSClient instance will be created and used.

Type declaration

  • Optional kmsClient?: KMSClient

    An optional property to specify a custom KMSClient instance. If not provided, the AwsKeyManager class will instantiate a default KMSClient. This client is used for all interactions with AWS Key Management Service (KMS), such as generating keys and signing data.

    Param: kmsClient

    A KMSClient instance from the AWS SDK.

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