Type alias KeyWithMulticodec

KeyWithMulticodec: {
    keyBytes: Uint8Array;
    multicodecCode?: number;
    multicodecName?: string;

Represents a cryptographic key with associated multicodec metadata.

The KeyWithMulticodec type encapsulates a cryptographic key along with optional multicodec information. It is primarily used in functions that convert between cryptographic keys and their string representations, ensuring that the key's format and encoding are preserved and understood across different systems and applications.

Type declaration

  • keyBytes: Uint8Array

    A Uint8Array representing the raw bytes of the cryptographic key. This is the primary data of the type and is essential for cryptographic operations.

  • Optional multicodecCode?: number

    An optional number representing the multicodec code. This code uniquely identifies the encoding format or protocol associated with the key. The presence of this code is crucial for decoding the key correctly in different contexts.

  • Optional multicodecName?: string

    An optional string representing the human-readable name of the multicodec. This name provides an easier way to identify the encoding format or protocol of the key, especially when the numerical code is not immediately recognizable.